Pre-Fabricated Doors for your Home Skin Moulded Doors, Laminate Doors and Veneer Doors

In 1924, William H. Mason, a researcher, engineer, and inventor, made a revolutionary discovery to make what s today known as prefabricating doors. He changed the way wood was used to form more effective building materials. This paved the way for a succession of new building products for the home.  The pioneer brand in moldedContinue reading “Pre-Fabricated Doors for your Home Skin Moulded Doors, Laminate Doors and Veneer Doors”

New Age Readymade Door Frames and Wooden Doors from World Leader in India

Wooden doors have been an integral part of any structure since the beginning of construction in human civilization. In India things revolutionized by a change in the way wooden doors are made and used in the buildings from 2010, the year S M Corporation entered into an exclusive tie-up with Masonite International the World’s leadingContinue reading “New Age Readymade Door Frames and Wooden Doors from World Leader in India”

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